Summer Programs |
Painting Classes Tiny Hands™ Crafts And More... |
2023 Summer Program Registration is OPEN! Registration for our 2023 Summer Pottery & Art Programs are open now. The program will again be patterned after the successful Art Destinations™ Summer Camps which ran through the Montgomery County Department of Recreation for over 25 years. We have always had full programs and fabulous feedback from all the kids. Many children—boys and girls alike—come for 2, 3, 4, or even more sessions, year after year. This program has been designed for kids 7 to 15 years of age to let them have access to lots of supplies and to allow them to create at their own pace, through experimentation, with limited, but targeted direction. We also use a lot of everyday items and transform them into works of art. We encourage them to "think outside the box"—or to even use the box itself!
Session # | Dates: |
Session #0.5 | June 12th - June 16th |
Session #1 | June 19th - June 23rd |
Session #2 | June 26th - June 30th |
Session #3** | July 3rd - July 7th |
Session #4 | July 10th - July 14th |
Session #5 | July 17th - July 21sth |
Session #6 | July 24th - July 28th |
Session #7 | July 31st - August 4th |
Session #8 | August 7th - August 11th |
Session #9 | August 14th - August 18th |
Session #10 | August 21st - August 25th |
*Students may not be dropped off before 8:45 am and may incur additional fees if not picked up within 15 minutes of the end of camp. Before care (starting at 8 am) & Aftercare (up until our posted closing time) will be available on a case-by-case basis for additional fees. Please contact us with your specific needs.
** July 4th is a holiday and we will be closed. Tuition this week will be prorated.
Click here to download the 2023 Registration Form in PDF format. (if you downloaded the 2022 form, make sure you refresh this page so any cached version is rewritten with correct dates and updated form.) Make checks payable to Sykesville Pottery and Art Center. You may drop off forms at the shop, mail to Sykesville Pottery & Art Center, (Attn: Summer Camp) 7611 Main Street, Sykesville, MD 21784, or you can register by phone at 410-552-9797. You can also fill out the form directly in Acrobat Reader, save and print a copy to submit or keep for your records, or even submit the registration electronically by email to info@SykesvillePotteryandArtCenter.com, if you are paying by credit card and have an Adobe digital signature/ID. You will be notified ASAP if the session you requested is full. Requests to transfer to a different session require two weeks prior notice, are based on available space, and may require an extra fee.
7611 Main Street
Sykesville, MD 21784
Click on our street address
to pull up a map
with our location.
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: CLOSED
Wednesday: 12 noon - 7 pm
Thursday:12 noon - 7 pm
Friday:12 noon - 8 pm
Saturday:12 noon - 8 pm
Sunday: 12 noon - 4 pm
While our Summer Art Program (camps) are in session, we are not accepting regular customers in the studio until after 3 pm.
* From time to time, we may adjust our hours for seasonal or special event reasons, i.e., extended hours for the Christmas Holiday season. We reserve the right to close up to one hour early if there are no painters in our studio. If you are planning to come by to pick up a finished piece within that last hour, please call ahead to let us know you are coming.